Kia Carens: Keyless Entry And Burglar Alarm / Description and operation
Burglar Alarm State [B/A State]
B/A State
1) |
In "DISARM" state, no vehicle start inhibition. So, when door,
hood, or Tailgate is opened, there is no alarm sound and flashing.
2) |
If the battery is disconnected while the state is not "ARM/ARMWAIT/ALARM/REARM",
B/A state is set to "DISARM" state.
3) |
In “DISARM” state, security indicator keeps blinking.
1) |
In "ARMWAIT" state, when timer “30sec." is running, if this
timer reaches “30sec”, state transits to "ARM" state.
2) |
If the battery is disconnected while the state is "ARMWAIT",
B/A state is set to "ARMWAIT" state and timer "30sec" is restarted.
3) |
In “ARMWAIT” state, security indicator keeps on.

※ Remark 1) : On Smart key system, it works the same way with passive lock
Remark 2) : If equipped with the anti-theft system (UK only), even though doors
open in "ARMWAIT" state, the B/A system enters "ARM" state.
B/A State
1) |
In "AUTOLOCKTIMER1" state, timer “30sec."is running. If this
timer expired, the auto lock command is generated “Lock command”.
2) |
When “Lock command” operated, All Door changed lock and
closed then B/A state changes “AUTOLOCKTIMER1” to “ARMWAIT
3) |
In "AUTOLOCKTIMER1" state, Security Indicator keeps blinking.
In "AUTOLOCKTIMER1" state, timer “30sec."is running. If this
timer expired, the auto lock command is generated “Lock command”.
When “Lock command” operated, All Door changed lock and
closed then B/A state changes “AUTOLOCKTIMER1” to “ARMWAIT

※ Remark: On Smart key system, it works the same way with passive unlock
B/A State
1) |
In "AUTOLOCKTIMER2" state, when timer “30sec."is running,
if this timer expired, the auto lock command is generated “Lock
2) |
All doors are Locked, Hood is closed and Tailgate is closed
when “Lock command” operated, then B/A state changes to“AUTOLOCKTIMER2”
when “Lock Command” generated with Hood open.
3) |
When “Unlock command” operated on the condition of All Door
closed and Hood open, B/A state changes to “AUTOLOCKTIMER2”.
4) |
In "AUTOLOCKTIMER2" state, Security Indicator keeps blinking.

※ Remark: On Smart key system, it works the same way with passive unlock
B/A State
1) |
The "PREARM" state is when user try to change to arm but pre-condition
are not satisfied (door open, tailgate open, or hood open).
2) |
B/A state changes to “PREARM” when TX Lock command occurs
with any door Open, Hood or Tailgate Open.
3) |
B/A state changes to “PREARM” when “30sec.” timer expired
in“AUTOLOCKTIMER2”with Hood or Tailgate Open
4) |
The “PREAMR” state changes to “ARM” when all doors closed,
All doors locked and Hood and Tailgate closed.
5) |
The “PREAMR” state changes to “DISARM” when Any Door
6) |
In this state, Security indicator keeps blinking.

B/A State
1) |
In "REARM" state, if the vehicle intrusion is detected, flashing
and sound is restarted, again and state transits to "ALARM"
2) |
B/A state changes to “REARM” after the timer “27sec.”
expires in “ALARM” state with All doors closed and lock.
3) |
Security Indicator keeps blinking.
B/A State
1) |
B/A state changes to “AUTOLockTIMER3”, when TX-Tailgate
command operated.
2) |
B/A state changes “AUTOLOCKTIMER3” to “ARMWAIT”, when
the “30sec.” timer expires with all doors lock and closed.
3) |
B/A state changes “AUTOLOCKTIMER3” to “DISARM”, when
any door open.
4) |
In "AUTOLOCKTIMER3" state, timer “30sec.“ timer is running.
If this timer expired, state transits to "PREARM" state with
Tailgate Open.
5) |
In this state, Security indicator keeps blinking

Component Location
1. Hood switch
2. Burglar horn
3. BCM & RF receiver
4. Key warning switch
5. Front door lock actuator &
6. Re ...
Front Door Lock Module Inspection
Remove the front door trim.
(Refer to Body - "Front Door Trim")
Other information:
Component Location
1. Roof Trim Assembly
For maximum restraint system protection, the seat belts must always be
used whenever the car is moving.
Seat belts are most effective when seatbacks are in the upright position.
Children age 12 and younger must always be properly restrained in the
rear seat. Never allow children to r ...