Kia Carens: Trailer Towing / Safety chains
You should always attach chains between your vehicle and your trailer. Cross
the safety chains under the tongue of the trailer so that the tongue will not drop
to the road if it becomes separated from the hitch. Instructions about safety chains
may be provided by the hitch manufacturer or by the trailer manufacturer. Follow
the manufacturer’s recommendation for attaching safety chains. Always leave just
enough slack so you can turn with your trailer. And, never allow safety chains to
drag on the ground.
It's important to have the correct hitch equipment. Crosswinds, large trucks
going by, and rough roads are a few reasons why you’ll need the right hitch. Here
are some rules to follow:
Do you ha ...
If your trailer is equipped with a braking system, make sure it conforms to your
country’s regulations and that it is properly installed and operating correctly.
If your trailer weight exceeds the ...
Other information:
When replacing the ECM, the vehicle equipped with the immobilizer must
be performed procedure as below.
[In the case of installing used ECM]
1) Perform "ECM Neutral mod ...
Here are some important points if you decide to pull a trailer:
Consider using a sway control.You can ask a hitch dealer about sway control.
Do not do any towing with your car during its first 2,000 km (1,200 miles)
in order to allow the engine to properly break in. Failure to heed this caution ...